Forthcoming Teleconsultation Sessions:
Asia Pacific Banking Industry Outlook 2013
February 8th, 2013, 3:00pm-3:30pm
Building the analytics team
February 2012
Predictive analytics: Looking for future trends and behaviour patterns
February 2012
The role of social media in digital banking
March 2012
Basel III – what impact will it have on your Basel II-compliant plan?


Date: March 30th, 2011
Time: Singapore, 3:00 pm- 4:00 pm

For more information,
please contact

Jerome Ong
Tel: +65 6236 6175

Elbert Pattijn, CRO, DBS Bank, Singapore and Tsuyoshi Oyama, former regulator at the Bank of Japan on the potential impact of new capital and liquidity rules on Asian financial institutions’ businesses.

More stringent rules on capital and liquidity under Basel III have brought various aspects such as potentially heightened currency risks, an increased cost of doing business and the role of the treasury in managing liquidity risk at a bank, into sharp focus.     

Learn from industry practitioners as they present their views on how the revised capital requirements and newly introduced liquidity rules will potentially change how Asian financial institutions and Asian economies in general, are run.  Also, this would be a beneficial discussion to understand how Asian countries would implement Basel III and if it risks creating an uneven playing field of banking regulation among countries. 

Key Discussion Points include but are not limited to the following: 
  • Basel III – what impact will this have on your existing Basel II-compliant plan?
  • Is this a question of change management or will a new implementation project be needed?
  • Where will the new regulatory capital come from?
  • What impact will the changes have on the different business areas, such as retail, corporate and investment banking?
  • How will banks include stressed VaR, incremental risk charges (IRC) ?
  • Can the models be reused? How much recalibration will be needed?
  • Who will manage liquidity risk? Is this a treasury operation or one for the risk framework?

The session will be concluded though a panel who will share their views on the these topics and provide direction to the session itself and the debate at the forthcoming risk and regulation conference at The Asian Banker Summit, 2011 in Hong Kong. The panel will comprise the following leading practitioners from the industry :

  • Elbert Pattijn, Chief Risk Officer, DBS Bank, Singapore
  • Tsuyoshi Oyama, former deputy director-general in financial system and bank examination department at the Bank of Japan and Partner, Financial Industries Group at Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Japan
  • Austin Trippensee, Senior Industry Solutions Specialist at Oracle Financial Services Software


To register for the session, e-mail your particulars (name, designation, contact information) to Jerome Ong at +65 6236 6175 by Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 5 pm (Singapore time) at the latest. We will be sending you the registration process and dial-in instructions a day before the session.

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